Friday, February 18, 2011

An old encounter

When Winston visits the house where he bought the diary, the shop keeper takes him into a room that was outfitted in the decor of the pre revolution era. Winston describes the room as very cozy and woram and says it awkens a sense of nostalgia in him. He was beggining to remember what it was like before the revolution. This quote is important to Winston because he had found a place where he could not be monitered by the thought police, like a refuge from the modern days of the revolution that brought him back to life before the party. I think that this experience will help to further awaken Winston's rebellious ideas against the party. He now has proof of how life was before the party. The shopkeeper's room is symbolic of the old world, it is unmonitored by Big Brother and can provide Winston a refuge from being monitored.


  1. Is Winston having a flash back, or is he having deja' vue of life when he was free from big brother?

  2. well... i was doing some late night thinking on the book, and i was wondering why they would let the poorer people have houses and other such things as chairs and a fire if there so determined to wipe out the thought of even a time before the revolution??????? just somethin banny wanted you guys to think about!!!!!!!!!!!!

    banny beeman out

  3. Why is this room not being mointored by Big Brother?

  4. Interesting questions - now that you have read more - do you have a better sense of the proles? Why is it that the Party does not monitor them as closely?
