Hello bloggers. Today I am going to talk about page 95 of 1984. In this scene winston passes by an antique shop where he curiously looks inside. He then decides to go into the shop just to look around. Then a very peculiar object catches his eye. Winston decribes this object when he says," It was a heavy lump of glass, curved on one side, flat on the other, making almost a hemisphere. There was a peculiar softness, as of rainwater, in both the color and the texture of the glass. At the heart of it, magnified by the curved suurface, there was a strange, pink, convoluted object that recalled a rose or a sea anemone." Winston then decides to purchase this object for two dollars. After purchasing it he puts it in his pocket and goes on his way. I think this scene is a good example how winston continues to live in the old times instead of the times the party lives in.
How does Winston buying the strange art piece show how he continues to live in the old ways of before the revolution...?
ReplyDeletewell... i was doing some late night thinking about the book, and i was wondering why there would even be a peice of coral incased in a glass orb. Maybe that was common back then in the 1940's. Either way it just seems random.
ReplyDeletebanny out
B Chapps, I think im going to agree with Rabbi on this one because I think that the item symbolizes better times before everything was so dark and the government was less controlling. Good work Rabbi!!!
ReplyDeleteApart from living in the past what significance might the coral have? a untouched piece of history, i would think that this sort of object is hard to find. Do you think that it was possibly planted in the store by the "thought police"? or that it might be bait so the government can root out potential "thought criminals"?
ReplyDeleteYes indeed Dmac and also Winston buys it from an ANTIQUE shop. If you dont know what Antique means, it means fragile and old. That claim should pretty much explain how Winston continues to live in the old ways.
ReplyDeleteYes, he did buy it at an antique shop, but how exactly is the coral being an antique symbolic of the old ways of life? if he's living in 1984, couldnt it possibly be an antique from the early revolution? like the era of 1960?
ReplyDeletelisten," bchaps the chapity chapster with the chap after the B",It very could possibly be so that shows that hes living in the old times such as the early revolution. I must say I am very confused on how your defending your first point by saying this?
ReplyDeleteI would have to say B Chapps and Rabbi both make good points. The paperweight does seem symbolic to Winston perhaps of a past time when people possessed things just for the sake of beauty. The coral is fragile and lovely and frozen in time; something the Party can't touch.