Banny beeman here again.......
On page 69, Winston is remembering a memory that he did not want to remember about an older prostitute from the proles. He writes down that she was old, older than fifty even, and that he went ahead and did it anyway. He figures that writing this down in his diary will help him with the pain that doing this act has caused him. Winston didnt really want to do it, He just, "Went ahead and did it just the same". Winston feels pain when remembering this memory and wants it to go away but nothing can help him to make him not feel the need to scream filthy words. He felt as though this act was a sin upon him and needed to be confessed. He thought that once he confessed it to his diary, then the weight would be lifted from his chest. Despite writing it down, He feels more or less the exact same as before. Winston is risking possibly his life on the fact that he wants to feel satisfied by a prostitute and now regrets it to an excessive amount.
In this scene we discover that Winston is very disgusted with his actions he had three years ago. In the story when he attemps to write down this memory he struggles and has to pause many times because just the thought horrifies him.
ReplyDeleteGood work banny beerman. Keep it up!!!!
If Winston thinks that writing his experience down, why does it now change the way he feels? clearly the experience has troubled him for some time, so how do you think that he intends on coming to terms with what he committed? in my opinion he seems relatively content with writing it down.
ReplyDeleteP.S. nice horn
If he is ashamed of himself and thinks it is a sin upon him why did he do it in the first place?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you guys think the purpose of Orwell including this scene about the prostitute is? It does not seem to be about Winston as much as what this society has forced him into. What does the sad and depressing quality of this encounter reveal about Winston's life - and the life of all party members?