The Golden Country is a place that Winston dreams about. It is a beautiful pasture where everything is right as he sees it fit. There is no oppression from The Party or Big Brother, and the woman that he lusts after freely offer herself to him. The Golden Country essentially seems to be a safe place in the mind of Winston, a haven for him to flee to within his thoughts. Winston describes it with great detail, saying "It was an old, rabbit-bitten pasture, with a foot track wandering across i and a molehill here and there. In the ragged hedge on the opposite side of the field the boughs of the elm trees were swaying very faintly in the breeze, their leaves just stirring in dense masses like a woman's hair. Somewhere near at hand, though out of sight, there was a clear, slow-moving, stream where dace were swimming in the pools under the willow trees"(Page 30). This land seems to be the complete opposite of London under the Party. Everything that occurs there is pleasant, there is nothing to spoil it and only good can come from it. It is calm and serene, open and free, it is natural and unaffected by man.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Winston Dreams of Another World
The Golden Country is a place that Winston dreams about. It is a beautiful pasture where everything is right as he sees it fit. There is no oppression from The Party or Big Brother, and the woman that he lusts after freely offer herself to him. The Golden Country essentially seems to be a safe place in the mind of Winston, a haven for him to flee to within his thoughts. Winston describes it with great detail, saying "It was an old, rabbit-bitten pasture, with a foot track wandering across i and a molehill here and there. In the ragged hedge on the opposite side of the field the boughs of the elm trees were swaying very faintly in the breeze, their leaves just stirring in dense masses like a woman's hair. Somewhere near at hand, though out of sight, there was a clear, slow-moving, stream where dace were swimming in the pools under the willow trees"(Page 30). This land seems to be the complete opposite of London under the Party. Everything that occurs there is pleasant, there is nothing to spoil it and only good can come from it. It is calm and serene, open and free, it is natural and unaffected by man.
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