In chapter 4 of book 3 in 1984, Winston seems as though he has been broken by the party, as he begins to try and accept their ways, however he soon realizes he is lying to himself and throws a fit of rage that results in his being taken to Room 101. Winston begins to write party slogans on a slate he has been given in an attempt to make himself believe they are true. "He wrote first in large clumsy capitals: FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. Then almost without a pause he wrote beneath it: TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE."(277) The slogans all use doublethink, something which he has always had difficulty accepting. His inability to believe doublethink is what has landed him in the Ministry of Love in the first place, and it is eventually the cause of his further downfall. Later, Winston grows angry at his torture and calls out to Julia, as he wants to express his resistance to the Party and Big Brother. "Suddenly he started up with a shock of horror. The sweat broke out on his backbone. He had heard himself cry aloud: 'Julia! Julia! Julia, my love! Julia!'"(280). In his fit of anger he realizes that the party will not like that he is still in love with Julia and still hates their forces, so he does all that he can do against them, which is to yell out her name. His resistance is noticed and he is taken to room 101 for this "crime". Although Winston halfway wishes to comply with the party, he simply cannot force himself to believe lies, it is not in his nature.
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