Despite the physical and mental torture that Winston undergoes, he is determined to prevail against O'Briens torture. Winston, though he has a strong will, O'Brien has the upper hand, he can torture Winston in the attempt to make him sane again. O'brein tortures winston on two levels, that of physical torture and the form that takes a more psychological route. The psychological torture revolves on degrading Winston and though winston tries to prevail through the pain, it is impossible. O'Brien is constantly degrading

Winston, slowly breaking him down, an example of this is when O'Brien states "You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. You are a stain that must be wiped out." This sort of psychological abuse not only damages Winston as a person, but bit by bit it strips away his morale and belief that he can beat O'Brien. The fact that O'Brien is degrading Winston is bad enough, but the hidden message behind it is that he is taking away Winstons hope to believe that he is sane, that his ideas are correct and that Winston is correct in his beliefs. And when O'Brien says " you are a stain that must be wiped out" he is using a harsh diction that even further weakens Winston. However there are two forms of torture, psychological and physical. The physical approach is dealt with in two ways, one through the "electroshock therapy" and a second, which is not so much torture, but a alternative to it, more of a helping hand in the process of rehabilitating a person, in this case Winston

. In one instance Winston is laying on the bed when "two soft pads , which felt slightly moist, clamped themselves against Winston's temples. At this moment there was a devastating explosion, or what seemed like an explosion, though he was not certain there was any noise." Here it seems like Winston has expirenced some sort of extreme shock therapy, where the neuron connectors in his head have been severed, thus leaving Winston helpless. The "explosion" sends a line of fear to both the reader and through Winston because a feeling is helplessness is imposed upon him, and a feeling of utter devastation of his ideas and concepts. In the end Winston cannot fight the physical torture, and in the end he is broken, they Physically change is mind, they break the connections between his ideas, they steal his thoughts. However if Winston had only undergone psychological torture, it is believed that he would have of prevailed against the party for a longer time.
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